Ketamine Therapy & Psilocybin: A New View on Aging and Death

In the ever-changing field of mental health, new therapeutic options are continually emerging. Among the most transformative are ketamine therapy and psilocybin. These powerful tools are not only redefining how we approach mental well-being but also offering fresh perspectives on aging and mortality. A recent article by MAPS delves deeper into this fascinating subject.

The Transformative Power of Ketamine Therapy and Psilocybin

Dr. Roland Griffiths, a pioneer in psychedelic research, has personally experienced the transformative effects of psychedelics. After conducting decades of research on psychedelics, most recently on psilocybin and death, Dr. Griffiths himself was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. After his diagnosis, he turned to a psychedelic experience to find peace and deeper meaning. In his experience, he had a conversation with his cancer and was reassured that, "Yeah, you're going to die but this is as it should be. There's a deeper meaning. There's a deeper purpose" (NPR Interview). Part of that has been him being able to embrace his cancer as a call to celebration. “My parting invitation is to celebrate. I'm inviting you to celebrate what I'm celebrating and that is this experience of the miracle of where we find ourselves.” Dr. Griffiths’ experience highlights the potential of psychedelics including ketamine and psilocybin in facing life's most challenging moments.

The Growing Acceptance of Psilocybin and Ketamine Therapy

The cultural shift towards openness in discussing death is being accelerated by the use of psychedelics like psilocybin and ketamine therapy. These substances are helping to break down barriers and encourage meaningful conversations about the end of life. The MAPS article points out that our society is becoming increasingly willing to discuss and plan for death, with less shame and stigma attached. This openness is partly fueled by the death-positive movement, which is gaining momentum and could be further propelled by the widespread availability of psychedelic-assisted therapies like ketamine or psilocybin-assisted therapies.

Research Supports Psilocybin and Ketamine Therapy

Studies involving ketamine and psilocybin as therapeutic options have shown promising results for those approaching the end of life. Participants reported significant improvements in their mental well-being and emotional states. According to the MAPS article, several hundred cancer patients have participated in clinical trials of psychedelic-assisted therapy to alleviate existential distress. The consensus from these studies is that a large portion of participants benefit profoundly, experiencing deep spiritual healing and grace that eases the pain and grief of inevitable loss.

Ketamine Therapy and Psilocybin Support Services in Colorado

The MAPS article also highlights the issue of access to these transformative therapies. Fortunately, in Colorado, we're helping to lead the way in access to psychedelic medicines. Psilocybin and other plant-based psychedelics have been decriminalized, paving the way for more therapeutic options. While psilocybin therapy is not yet legal in Colorado, we offer harm reduction and support services such as education and integration work for clients who are pursuing psilocybin (or other psychedelic) use personally.

We also offer ketamine therapy, which has shown significant benefits in treating various mental health conditions. Ketamine is a very safe, well-established psychedelic medicine that can be prescribed and obtained from a pharmacy.

if you’re interested in learning more about our support services or about ketamine assisted psychotherapy, feel free to get in touch or schedule a consultation with one of our ketamine assisted clinicians.